Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby an organisation recognises that its business operations and processes may have an impact on social, economic and environmental issues inside and outside of the workplace. It also represents a commitment to ensuring and maintaining socially responsible behavior in an organisation.

Beatus Cartons is commited to ensuring that all business undertakings are conducted as ethically as possible by following this Corporate Social Responsibility policy.

Beatus Cartons seeks to sustain a business that is successful and respected in its ethical standing by our stakeholders.

These include Investors, customers, suppliers, and the local community. We embrace the role our business plays on a day to day basis in contributing to a better society.

We are aware that the running of our business will, in many ways, affect our place of work, the local community, and the wider environment in which we operate. We believe that the way we run our business can and should make a positive difference in these areas and we aim to ensure that continued efforts are made to achieve that.

These include but are not limited to:

  • Minimise the impact and maximise the benefits that our work has on the environment and the people around us.
  • To integrate our CSR policy into all business decisions.
  • To comply with all applicable legislation and regulations.
  • To review and report on an annual basis and to continually strive to improve our CSR performance.

Care and Consideration

Beatus Cartons fully recognises that our day-to-day operations can cause an impact on the environment in a number of ways. We are committed to reducing this level of impact through assessing and improving our environmental performance using a documented, maintained, monitored, and reviewed Environmental Management System that is communicated to all employees.

Through ISO14001 we employ systems and procedures that ensure the company’s compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and other requirements relating to the environment.

In addition, we are continually striving to improve the following aspects of our business:-


  • Looking after Employees
  • Looking after Customers
  • Raising Supplier Standards
  • Community Engagement